...Games) ManchesterNow embarking on a major new game development, our Manchester based gaming client, which has a track record of Number One App Store positions for their original works worldwide, is lo...
...Games Development). Would you like to take ownership of testing projects and lead a small team whilst enjoying a collaborative, technology driven work environment with continual training and flexible ...
...Games Development). Would you like to take ownership of testing projects and lead a small team whilst enjoying a collaborative, technology driven work environment with continual training and flexible ...
The search "games development tutor " returned no matching jobs.
...games area and relaxation areas. Shifts/pay rates available:06:00-14:00, basic rate: £9.50, OT rate: £11.87 WE rate: £10.50 14:00-22:00, basic rate: £9.70, OT rate: £12.12 WE rate: £10.70 22:00-06.00,...
...games area and relaxation areas. Shifts/pay rates available:06:00-14:00, basic rate: £9.50, OT rate: £11.87 WE rate: £10.50 14:00-22:00, basic rate: £9.70, OT rate: £12.12 WE rate: £10.70 22:00-06.00,...